Piracy Property

What is Software Piracy?

By definition, Software piracy is the unathorized use, copying or distribution of copyrighted software. Software Piracy is theft or use of copyrighting executable programs, or distribution of this property. Every year Software Piracy and cost over 9.1 billion dollars for the United States. This is shocking as the United States has the lowest piracy rate of 19% percent. The top three countries with the highest piracy rates are Venezuela, Indonesia, and China.

What is software Piracy?

Why is this an issue?

Software piracy, comes at the cost of the consumer and those who distribute pirated copies. Pirated software is home to malware and other viruses on your computer. Without your knowledge, a pirated copy of say a game or executable program might harbor harmful viruses that can spy, destroy, or sell the information on your pc. This is extremely risky, as since your using a pirated copy of certain software there is no support platform or anyway to know your not getting malicious viruses. But this is not all, as even if you didn't know you bought illegally distributed you can still be fined and charge with time in prison. Reporting the use of illegal softwar within a company can reward you with 10,000 pound in England, and other rewards in places like the United States.

Why Piracy will NEVER DIE

Cyber Security

Software Piracy is an extreme risk to Cyber Security, yet there are few ways of combating it. The greatest defense against the cons of pirated software is to avoid using and downloading it. Without obtaining pirated software, you simply can not gain it's negative aspects. To stop the spread of pirated software, report websites and the distributers of pirated software. If you beleive you have malicious software or viruses, run a security scan on yopur computer with your virus detection software, and solve this issue.

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